The "Experience" economy

Experiences Jul 20, 2021

We are moving away from the so-called Digital economy of the past 20 years and we have certainly put behind us the industrial and manufacturing era of the 20th century. And we are moving into the "Experience" economy... and this requires a fundamental shift and rethinking about work; the way it is done and how people are engaged in that process.

Not only is the next few decade about customer experiences, it is also about how organizations deliver on those customer experiences. And one cannot do it without participating in those experiences that the customers are craving for. It requires irrational perspectives in order to deliver innovation, creativity and simplification that the new generation of customers are looking for. And this certainly cannot be delivered from a project plan.

Delivering experiences is impossible without living these experiences.

It requires today's employees not only to walk miles in the customer's shoes but live, breath, share and interpret these experiences and expectations. And these require application of newer concepts that stimulate such thinking and creativity - by productization of work with doses of freedom, delegated decision making, power to act in order to create, test and experiment constantly, with breathing room to pause and evaluate; as well as quiet space to ruminate and come up with varying ideas.

Experience economy requires enabling employees who are capable of imagining, living, breathing and creating these "Experiences" - Do you have what it takes? Will you have what it takes?

Experience economy requires enabling employees who are capable of imagining, living, breathing and creating these experiences


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